Entries by Lee Reich

Fahrenheit Obsession

A Pillbox Relaxes Me A little blue pillbox has solved my sleep problems. I’ve touted the abundance of fresh figs I gather in summer and fall from my greenhouse, and the salad greens in winter. Not to mention the transplants for the garden in spring and summer. All this has come at a price: sleep. […]

Valentinic Communiqués

Be Careful What You Say/Send/Deliver As you look online or peruse the seed and nursery catalogues that turn up in your mailbox, take note of those flowers that you might need to grow and preserve for the purpose of delivering messages for Valentines Day next year. For this year, fresh flowers from a florist will […]

Orchid Intimidation

Fear Not I used to find orchids intimidating to grow. Their dust-sized seeds are fairly unique in not having any food reserves so — in the wild, at least — need the help of a fungus partner to get growing. And some orchids (epiphytes) spend their lives nestled in trees so need a special potting […]

The Best Winter Herbs

Mini-Trees for Flavor Second best to fresh-picked vegetables in winter, which are not within most gardener’s grasp with temperatures in the single digits, are fresh-picked herbs. Fresh-picked herbs — indoors — in winter are within the grasp of most gardeners, even non-gardeners. Flowering and fruiting demand lots of light energy, but it is the leaves […]

An Early Spring

It could be spring. Now. Indoors, with the sweet fragrance from a flowerpot of pastel colored hyacinths and other spring-flowering bulbs. All it takes is a little bit of trickery. The bulbs don’t have to wait till spring. Knowing what a bulb is helps understand the trickery. But first: All that we commonly call a […]

The Green Faerie

In a Smoke-Filled Café . . .  What you are about to read might have been improved upon if I had been writing with la fée verde (the green fairy) looking over my shoulder. Or better yet, if I also was writing from a smoke-filled cafe in Paris. Or even better, from a smoke filled […]

Fruit in Winter!

  Snow Mulching Only four inches of snow fell a a couple of weeks ago but I decided anyway to go outside and mulch. And shovel snow. And shovel snow and mulch. What I was trying to do, besides clear snow from the driveway, the paths, and the doorway to the greenhouse, was to create […]

Life Goes On

  The dark green wreath was tied with red ribbons and gliding towards me, in its progress stirring up snowflakes gently floating out of the grey sky. No, the wreath was not hanging from a horse-drawn sled, but was plowing through the frigid air affixed to the chrome grille of a gleaming white Cadillac! Here […]

Red and Green for Winter

A Mexican Native Adapts to Pot A recent snowfall draped the landscape in magic. The white blanket settled softly on every horizontal surface to create a harmony in white. Still, I miss green. Even better than seeing some green plants would be to liven up that green with, from the opposite side of the color […]

End of Year Punch List

  Winterizing My carpenter friends, near the end of their projects, have their “punch lists” to serve as reminders what odds and ends still need to be done. I similarly have a punch list for my gardens, a punch list that marks the end of the growing season, a list of what (I hope) will […]