Entries by Lee Reich


GRAFTING WORKSHOP, APRIL 9, 2016, Springtown Farmden, New Paltz, NY, www.leereich.com/workshops LECTURE: LUSCIOUS LANDSCAPING, WITH FRUITS, APRIL 16, 2016, Hamilton College Arboretum, Clinton, NY PRUNING WORKSHOP, MAY 6-8, 2016, Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY DRIP IRRIGATION WORKSHOP, MAY 14, 2016, Phillies Bridge Farm Project, New Palts, NY, register at www.leereich.com/workshops PLANT SALE, MAY 21, 2016, Springtown […]


Early spring greens are coming out in full force — in the greenhouse — without any help from me. Most abundant is claytonia but there’s plenty of mâche, my favorite, and too much chickweed, which I don’t eat, but could.