Please join me for the following presentations later this month in and near Seattle:
February 23, 2017
21 Acres Center for Local Food & Sustainable Living
13701 NE 171st St., Woodinville, WA
“Uncommon Fruits for Backyard and Small Farm”
February 24-25, 2017
Northwest Flower & Garden Show
Seattle, WA
“Luscious Landscaping with Fruiting Trees, Shrubs, and Vines”
“Fruits for Small Gardens”
Your presentation is not listed on the 21 Acres website. Is it for sure? What time? Thanks!
It should be on the website soon (I hope). Yes, it is for sure. It starts at 7 pm. And here’s a link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uncommon-fruits-for-backyard-and-small-farm-lee-reich-tickets-31987847513